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Tel:+86 0513-68662222

Addr:No.8,XingYuan Road,Industry Park,Rucheng Town,Rugao,Jiangsu,China

Quality management

Quality policy

Quality Concept

1、Do it once
2、Pursue Zero Defects
3、Implementing Process Statistics
4、Establish A Sound Process
5、Continuous Improvement Of Quality
6、Create Value For Customers

Quality Goal

1、Shipment quality level 50PPM
2、Delivery completion rate 100%
3、Customer complaint rate 1%

Environmental policy

1、Full participation
2、Energy saving
3、protect environment
4、benefit society

Environmental goal

1、The environmental protection training rate of all employees is greater than 90%
2、Wastewater discharge treatment rate 100%
3、100% reasonable handling rate of dangerous materials

Company commitment

1、Comply with relevant laws, regulations and other requirements to effectively control sewage, noise and solid waste discharge and treatment, and continuous improvement
2、Resource conservation. Reasonable control of water consumption. Consumption indicators of electricity and major raw materials
3、Promote environmental protection concepts, conduct training and guidance, and improve the environmental awareness of all employees

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